Wednesday 29 July 2009

Mac Attack

I'm fed up with Mac Fanboys and their arrogance. But it's easy to see why they feel they can feel that way.
This is a collection of 15 short Mac vs PC ads that Apple created.

Quite frankly, they are annoying, and untruthful. According to these ads, PCs are used for no more than spreadsheets and documents - ie "boring work things". Apparently Macs are better than PCs "life stuff" like pictures, videos, or music.

It's true that Macs aren't as susceptible to viruses as Windows based PCs are, but why would a virus writer create a virus for Macs when they take up less than 10% of all the computers in the world? Wouldn't it make more sense to write viruses for Windows OSs because there is more chance for infection? Sounds logical.
If Macs become more popular, they will contract viruses. I assure you.

Compatability. When was the last time you heard a PC user ask "is this PC compatable?"
Let's not also forget gaming. PC gamers just go pick a game they want, and as long as they have the minimum specs, they install it, and they play it. Can the same be said for Mac users? No.

Macs are also seriously overpriced. Seriously.

If Mac users want to get anything done in the business world, what do they buy? That's right - Microsoft Office. Mind-boggling.

This blog post stems from annoyance at Apple's arrogance and slander.
Microsoft did indeed make some adverts comparing Windows and Mac and Apple got their lawyers on the phone right away. Give me a break, Apple. You're giving yourself far too much bad publicity. Nobody likes this.

I found an interesting comment to a Windows Ad with someone stating how Apple blantantly lie in their adverts:

LIE: - Macs have embedded webcams, PCs don't.
FACT: PCs had embedded webcams way before Macs had any.

LIE: - Macs don't have security vulnerabilities, PCs do.
FACT: Just look at Apple's OS updates and you will find dozens of security holes fixed in each update. The most ironic thing about that ad was that the same month the ad started appearing, a new OSX update was released that had 5x (I think it was 54) security vulnerability fixes in it.

LIE: - Macs have all-in-ones, PCs don't.
FACT: Both PCs and Macs have all-in-one versions. There were many all-in-one PCs (very nice models from Sony, HP and Dell).

LIE: - Macs make better home movies, PCs can't.
FACT: There are far more superior video editing solutions for PCs, let alone the question of "if" they can.

LIE: - Macs have better device support than PCs. (the japanese woman with camera ad)
FACT: This is by far the biggest lie of all. _ALL_ devices have Windows support, only some of them have Mac support. Macs are a closed hardware system, PC world is completely open to new hardware.

LIE: - Macs have automatic backup, PCs don't.
FACT: Windows had automatic backup (in XP) way before Mac had any.

Case closed.
Rant over.

Digiman out.

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